13th of Adar, 5785 | י״ג בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

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Copyright & Terms


Effective August 1, 2009

Essential Copyright Guidelines

•    In many cases the copying of Torah Class and our other publications is permitted by individuals, churches, and synagogues for non-commercial, non-profit use provided that the following guidelines and provisions are followed. Otherwise, special permission is required.
•    Need clarification? Desire to request special permission? Please contact us at [email protected]  or call 321 454-9322.

Copyright Detail

Duplication of any Torah Class, torahclass.com, holylandmarketplace.com, or Seed Of Abraham Ministries, Inc. publication is permitted only within the terms and guidelines of this Copyright statement. The term “publication” means any kind or method of publication and therefore reproduction, duplication, or display by any mechanical, optical, digital media, or electronic methods (in part or in whole) is prohibited except as specifically permitted within this Copyright statement.

This copyright includes, and is not limited to lessons, articles, blogs, forum contents, online bible content, and all video, audio, text, graphics, maps, charts, and presentations unless otherwise specified in writing.

All of our publications are submitted to the copyright protection laws of the United States and its international convention and treaty partners. If you are permitted to duplicate our materials according to this Copyright statement, no contact with us or special permission by us is required. If special permission is required and we give you expressed written permission to reproduce any of our material that written permission must accompany each individual copy you make.

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Reproduction and duplication of our materials is permitted for individual use and for small group study. An example of permitted use where no special permission is required is for individual and family study, home fellowships, bible study groups, seminary or bible college papers, and church and synagogue meetings.

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Reference and Citation

In all cases when duplication, display, or presentation of our materials occurs (with and without the need for special permission), reference and citation is mandatory otherwise permission (implied or special) is revoked.
When citing from our published works and materials please include the following:
Name of Resource
Article Title / Section (if applicable)
Torah Class       http://torahclass.com     321 454-9322

Old Testament Studies, Genesis week 1 Introduction, Tom Bradford, Torah Class, http://torahclass.com, 321 454-9322