16th of Adar, 5785 | ט״ז בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה

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Reading List

From Time Immemorial: the Arab-Jewish Conflict
Joan Peters

The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Studies

Beyond the Cosmos
Hugh Ross

The Canon of the New Testament: its Origin
Bruce M. Metzger

The Five Books of Moses
Everett Fox

The Genesis Record
Henry Morris

The Holy Temple of Jerusalem
Chaim Richman

Babylon: Myth and Reality
Finkel and Seymour

Buried Empires
Patrick Carleton

Old Testament Commentary series
Keil and Delitzsch

Pharaohs and Kings
David Rohl

Royal Cities of the Biblical World
Bible Lands Museum

An Introduction to the Old Testament
Edward J. Young

Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic
Frank Moore Cross

Jewish Believers in Jesus
Oskar Skarsaune

The Quest: Revealing the Temple Mount
Leen Ritmeyer

Westminster Historical Atlas of the Bible
Westminster Press

Parables of the Sages
Notley and Safrai

Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins
Bishop, Funck, Lewis, Moshier, Walton

Preaching and Teaching for the Old Testament
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

Prophecy in the Making
Carl F.H. Henry

Sketches of Jewish Social Life
Alfred Edersheim

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
Alfred Edersheim

Border Lines: The Partition of Judeo-Christianity
Daniel Boyarin

Daniel in the Critics’ Den
Josh McDowell

Paul and Palestinian Judaism
E.P. Sanders

The Feasts of the Lord
Marvin Rosenthal

The Origins of Life
Rana and Ross

Judaism and The Origins of Christianity
David Flusser

Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People
E.P. Sanders

The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue
James Parkes

The Three Temples
Rachel Elior

The Two Babylons
Alexander Hislop

Robert Lanza and Berman

Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel History
Edited by Hershel Shanks

David Flusser

Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Figment?
Edited by Copan and Tacelli

Your People Shall Be My People
Don Finto

Guide to the Temple Mount Excavations
Eilat Mazar

Nazarene Jewish Christianity
Ray A. Pritz

Shades of Sheol
Philip S. Johnson

The Feasts of Israel
Bruce Scott

Torah Rediscovered
Ariel Berkowitz

Bible History of the Old Testament
Alfred Edersheim

The Odyssey of the Third Temple
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel

Then and Now Bible Maps
Rose Publishing

Toward Rediscovering the Old Testament
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.

Invitation to the Apocrypha
Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.

Jewish New Testament Commentary
David H. Stern

The Jewish Roots of Galatians
Le Cornu and Shulam

Josephus: The Jewish War   
Notley (a Carta Jerusalem publication)

Studying the Synoptic Gospels
E.P. Sanders

Fossilized Customs
Lew White

The Jewish Gospels
Daniel Boyarin

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim