16th of Adar, 5785 | ט״ז בַּאֲדָר תשפ״ה
From Time Immemorial: the Arab-Jewish ConflictJoan Peters
The Oxford Handbook of Jewish StudiesGoodman
Beyond the CosmosHugh Ross
The Canon of the New Testament: its OriginBruce M. Metzger
The Five Books of MosesEverett Fox
The Genesis RecordHenry Morris
The Holy Temple of JerusalemChaim Richman
Babylon: Myth and RealityFinkel and Seymour
Buried EmpiresPatrick Carleton
Old Testament Commentary seriesKeil and Delitzsch
Pharaohs and KingsDavid Rohl
Royal Cities of the Biblical WorldBible Lands Museum
An Introduction to the Old TestamentEdward J. Young
Canaanite Myth and Hebrew EpicFrank Moore Cross
Jewish Believers in JesusOskar Skarsaune
The Quest: Revealing the Temple MountLeen Ritmeyer
Westminster Historical Atlas of the BibleWestminster Press
Parables of the SagesNotley and Safrai
Understanding Scientific Theories of OriginsBishop, Funck, Lewis, Moshier, Walton
Preaching and Teaching for the Old TestamentWalter C. Kaiser, Jr.
Prophecy in the MakingCarl F.H. Henry
Sketches of Jewish Social LifeAlfred Edersheim
The Life and Times of Jesus the MessiahAlfred Edersheim
Border Lines: The Partition of Judeo-ChristianityDaniel Boyarin
Daniel in the Critics’ DenJosh McDowell
Paul and Palestinian JudaismE.P. Sanders
The Feasts of the LordMarvin Rosenthal
The Origins of LifeRana and Ross
Judaism and The Origins of ChristianityDavid Flusser
Paul, the Law, and the Jewish PeopleE.P. Sanders
The Conflict of the Church and the SynagogueJames Parkes
The Three TemplesRachel Elior
The Two BabylonsAlexander Hislop
BiocentrismRobert Lanza and Berman
Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: A Parallel HistoryEdited by Hershel Shanks
JesusDavid Flusser
Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Figment?Edited by Copan and Tacelli
Your People Shall Be My PeopleDon Finto
Guide to the Temple Mount ExcavationsEilat Mazar
Nazarene Jewish ChristianityRay A. Pritz
Shades of SheolPhilip S. Johnson
The Feasts of IsraelBruce Scott
Torah RediscoveredAriel Berkowitz
Bible History of the Old TestamentAlfred Edersheim
The Odyssey of the Third TempleRabbi Yisrael Ariel
Then and Now Bible MapsRose Publishing
Toward Rediscovering the Old TestamentWalter C. Kaiser, Jr.
Invitation to the ApocryphaDaniel J. Harrington, S.J.
Jewish New Testament CommentaryDavid H. Stern
The Jewish Roots of GalatiansLe Cornu and Shulam
Josephus: The Jewish War Notley (a Carta Jerusalem publication)
Studying the Synoptic GospelsE.P. Sanders
Fossilized CustomsLew White
The Jewish GospelsDaniel Boyarin
The Temple: Its Ministry and ServicesAlfred Edersheim