25th of Sh’vat, 5785 | כ״ה בִּשְׁבָט תשפ״ה

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Slaves to Righteousness by Jennifer Ross

In the book of Romans Rav Shaul (Rabbi Saul…Paul) makes a statement that can be so easily passed over and yet is so fundamental to our walk.  Especially considering the times we are living in, with the debate growing ever hotter as to what our role regarding Torah is all about.

Some still maintain among the Christian church that Torah was abolished and is of no significance today.  And others from the Christian church embrace Torah with such a fervor it’s as if they are now justified.

Paul asks in Romans 6:15

Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?  By no means!  Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey- whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

To those who believe Torah was abolished….what do you do with this truth that Paul explains?  If you consider G-d’s commands and statutes null and void, what do you stand on?  Why do you accept the Ten Commandments? Why do you cry out against homosexuality and abortion and yet scoff at the idea of clean and unclean?   Hot in some commands…cold in others…equals lukewarm.  And the enemy laughs.

To those who have been enlightened to Torah’s truth and relevance and wish to apply it to their lives, many of you take it to the other extreme.  You are the ones who judge those around you who haven’t received that enlightenment.  You are the ones who boast in their own righteousness because they no longer celebrate pagan festivals… or because they don’t eat unclean foods.  Hot in zeal…cold in love…again, lukewarm.  And the enemy laughs.

These situations are exactly why all of the apostles and all of the epistles consistently implore us not to judge one another…and to love one another being of one mind and one spirit.

I remind all people:

None is righteous, no not one…. 
All fall short of the Glory of G-d….

Yeshua stated it best with one word: “Hypocrites!”

Romans 4:25: About Yeshua…

He was delivered over to death for our sins 
and was raised to life for our justification.

Yeshua’s death redeemed us.  His resurrection was our victory over death allowing us the freedom to serve with an eternal hope.  We were purchased and have become slaves.  And what did Paul say?  The one you serve is the one you obey! I serve the G-d of Israel!  I don’t serve to be justified….and I don’t serve out of obligation.  I serve the G-d of Israel because He loved me enough to redeem me!

It is not my intention to ‘insult’ anyone.  But we are living in times when thin-skin won’t hold up under the pressures and testings ahead.  “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith G-d has given you.” Romans 12:3

So my question to you…and to me everyday…is this:

Are we living a redeemed life as obedient servants of G-d?

Since we all fall short, our answer should be ‘no’.  And we should be humbled by this fact.

Are you working towards that goal?

If we consider ourselves redeemed, our answer should be ‘yes.’

That’s what our Father is looking for….and by that standard we will be judged.  That is why Paul confirms:

“All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law.  For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in G-d’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.” Romans 2: 12

I offer this up as food for thought:  Those who choose not to obey are making light of the free gift G-d has given them through Yeshua.  As Paul continues in Romans 2:

Speaking of HaShem…

Who will give to each according to his works: everlasting life truly to those who with patience in good work are seeking glory and honor and incorruptibility; but to those disobeying the truth out of self interest and obeying unrighteousness will be anger and wrath, trouble and pain….

Torah teaches just how we are to strive for glory, honor and incorruptibility. No matter how much the Spirit shows us or how much we strive for righteousness… we can always do better. If we are not wiser, more loving, more resolute and more humble today compared to yesterday…we need to remember Paul’s advice. Soberly judge yourself.

Love one another!  And May He bless you in your journey!

Author: Jennifer Ross